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Good afternoon everyone! Lots of updates to make...

First of all, Julie has decided to go ahead and apply for her rescue license and make improvements to the property to be state compliant. This ended the forced seizure of the dogs that was to occur on September 1st and started a whole new process. Julie has filed her licensing paperwork and has been hard at work on the pens. There are STILL dogs there in her care who do still need rescue in the meantime.

We have never been so close to euthanization. Although right now we have no set dates for euthanization, we all know those orders could come down at any time. Right now all we are doing is warehousing dogs with the optimism that things will change, will improve, the miracle will come… I'm so worried the miracle won't come.

Malden has 5 functional kennels and 8 dogs. New Madrid has 10 dogs and 7 "indoor" kennels. East Prairie has 18 dogs and 9 kennels. Beth currently has 27 dogs from the puppy age to young adulthood. Michael still has the same 4 fosters he has had for months. Everyone is packed and struggling. Resources are being stretched further than ever before. The situation is unstable, fluid, and could all come crashing down with euth orders literally any second of any day.

Every single dog we have listed is a 911 in all honesty. Our next scheduled transport is 10/12 and we have no dogs tagged to go to rescue at this time. Not one.

I am working on streamlining the page today. Each animal control and foster will have their own album with their available dogs. Please take a look and see if you can help any of them. We are their last hope and our well of optimism is nearly dry. Every dog we save is a win, and we try to celebrate those wins and focus on the GOOD, but we also are staring down death daily in these trenches. We appreciate all of you for helping us, for fighting with us, for being our friends and helpers. On behalf of our dogs, we are begging for your help yet again. Thank you all.